Lipstik telah ditemukan sejak masa kuno ketika batu permata semimulia dihancurkan dan dioleskan ke bibir dan kadang-kadang ke mata. Selama Zaman Keemasan Islam, kosmetolog Al-Andalus terkenal Abul Qasim az-Zahrawi menemukan lipstik padat, yang merupakan batangan wangi yang digiling dan ditekan dalam cetakan khusus, dan ia menjelaskannya dalam bukunya At-Tashrif. Benda ini mulai populer di masa Ratu Elizabeth I dari Inggris.
Empat warna lipstik yang harus dimiliki setiap wanita:
1. Merah
Banyak wanita yang masih belum percaya diri menggunakan lipstik warna merah. Padahal lipstik warna cabai tersebut langsung bisa meningkatkan penampilan wanita. Agar lipstik warna merah tidak terkesan terlalu heboh, gunakan make-up mata yang natural.
2. Pink
Menggunakan lipstik warna pink membuat penampilan terlihat lebih feminin. Warna pink cocok untuk semua jenis kulit, cari warna lipstik yang lebih terang atau lebih muda yang sesuai dengan selera Anda.
3. Peach
Warna peach merupakan warna lipstik yang sesuai dengan warna kulit wanita Indonesia yang kuning kecoklatan. Untuk tampilan lebih seksi, Anda bisa menambahkan bronzer (blush warna keemasan) dan menggunakan eyeshadow warna emas.
4. Nude
Warna nude yang lembut juga salah satu lipstik yang harus dimiliki. Lipstik nude semakin terlihat seksi jika Anda menggunakan make-up mata yang berat, seperti smoky eyes.
LIPSTIK merupakan salah satu benda wajib yang harus ada dalam setiap make-up kit. Jika tepat memilih warna, maka lipstik dapat menyulap penampilan kita menjadi lebih menarik. Untuk mendapatkan warna yang paling sesuai, lakukan dulu uji coba sebelum Anda memutuskan membeli lipstik.
- Bagi yang berkulit gelap, warna-warna plum, wine, dan deep red paling cocok untuk diaplikasikan ke bibir. Sedangkan bagi Anda yang memiliki kulit lebih cerah, maka boleh memilih warna-warna seperti light-brown beige, peach, pink, atau oranye.
- Ketika berada di konter make-up, jangan mengetes warna lisptik dengan langsung mengaplikasikannya ke bibir, karena hal itu kurang higienis. Bayangkan saja berapa banyak orang yang telah menggunakan lipstik yang sama sebelum Anda.
- Selain itu, jangan mengetes lipstik dengan mengaplikasikannya ke punggung telapak tangan. Trik ini memang lazim dilakukan banyak orang, namun Anda akan berakhir dengan mendapatkan warna yang salah ketika lipstik akhirnya diaplikasikan ke bibir. Langkah terbaik adalah dengan mengaplikasikan lipstik ke ujung jari untuk menentukan warna yang paling cocok.
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- Saat ini, banyak juga beredar produk kecantikan yang mengandung unsur-unsur berbahaya bagi kesehatan kita. Salah satunya adalah timah, yang dulu pernah dijumpai pada lipstik. Untuk mengetes apakah lipstik yang dibeli memiliki kandungan berbahaya atau tidak, Anda bisa melakukan uji coba sederhana dengan mengoleskan lipstik ke permukaan tangan. Setelah itu, gosokkan cincin atau perhiasan lain yang terbuat dari emas ke tangan yang telah dioleskan lipstik itu. Apabila dalam beberapa menit warnanya berubah menjadi hitam, maka dapat dipastikan produk tersebut memiliki kandungan berbahaya di dalamnya.
Lipstick is a cosmetic product containing pigments, oils, waxes, and emollients that applies color, texture, and protection to the lips. Many varieties of lipstick are known. As with most other types of makeup, lipstick is typically, but not exclusively, worn by women. The use of lipstick dates from the ancient times.
Ancient Mesopotamian women were possibly the first women to invent and wear lipstick. They crushed semi precious jewels and used them to decorate their lips.[1] Women in the ancient Indus Valley Civilization applied lipstick to their lips for face decoration.[2] Ancient Egyptians extracted purplish-red dye from fucus-algin, 0.01% iodine, and some bromine mannite, which resulted in serious illness. Cleopatra had her lipstick made from crushed carmine beetles, which gave a deep red pigment, and ants for a base. Lipsticks with shimmering effects were initially made using a pearlescent substance found in fish scales.[3]
During the Islamic Golden Age the notable Arab Andalusian cosmetologist Abu al-Qasim al-Zahrawi (Abulcasis) invented solid lipsticks, which were perfumed sticks rolled and pressed in special molds, and he described them in his Al-Tasrif.[citation needed] In Medieval Europe, lipstick was banned by the church and was thought to be used as an 'incarnation of Satan',[4] cosmetics being 'reserved' for prostitutes.
According to some anthropologists, the lips are similar in appearance to the labia because they flush red and swell when they are aroused, a possible conscious or subconscious reason why women in many cultures[which?] make their lips even redder with lipstick.
Throughout the early 20th century, lipstick came in a limited number of shades.
Dark red was one of the most popular shade throughout the 19th and 20th century. Dark red lipstick was popular in the 1920s. Flappers wore lipstick to symbolize their independence. Lipstick was worn around the lips to form a "Cupid's bow", inspired by actress Clara Bow.[17] At that time, it was acceptable to apply lipstick in public and during lunch, but never at dinner.[14][18]
In the early 1930s, Elizabeth Arden began to introduce different lipstick colors. She inspired other companies to create a variety of lipstick shades.[19] In the 1930s, lipstick was seen as symbol of adult sexuality. Teenage girls believed that lipstick was a symbol of womanhood. Adults saw it as an act of rebellion. Many Americans, especially immigrants, did not accept teenage girls wearing lipstick. A study in 1937 survey revealed that over 50% of teenage girls fought with their parents over lipstick.[20]
In the mid 1940s, several teen books and magazines stressed that men prefer a natural look over a made up look. Books and magazines also warned girls that wearing cosmetics could ruin their chances of popularity and a career. The implication of these articles was that lipstick and rouge were for teen girls who acted very provocatively with men.[20] Despite the increased use of cosmetics, it was still associated with prostitution. Teen girls were discouraged from wearing cosmetics for fear that they would be mistaken for "loose" girls or prostitutes.[21]
By the 1950s, movie actresses Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor helped bring back dark red lips. A 1951 survey revealed that two-thirds of teenage girls wore lipstick.
In 1950 chemist Hazel Bishop formed a company, Hazel Bishop Inc., to promote her invention of long-lasting, non-smearing 'kissproof' lipstick ("stays on you...not on him"), which quickly gained acceptance.[22] At the end of the 1950s, a cosmetic company named Gala introduced pale shimmery lipstick. Later, Max Factor created a popular lipstick color called Strawberry Meringue. Lipstick manufacturers began creating lipsticks in lavender, pale pink, white, and peach. Since parents generally frowned on teen girls wearing red lipstick, some teen girls began wearing pink and peach lipsticks, which became a trend.[23] White or nearly white lipstick was popular in the 1960s.[20] Rock groups such as the Ronettes and the Shirelles popularized white lipstick. Girls would apply white lipstick over pink lipstick or place under-eye concealer on their lips. During that time, many lipstick were either matte, sheer, or slightly shiny.[24] In the 1960s, lipstick was associated with femininity. Women who did not wear lipstick were suspected of mental illness or lesbianism.[20]
In the 1970s, a number of cosmetic companies introduced lipsticks in more unusual colors such as iridescent light blue (Kanebo), frosted lime green (Conga Lime by Revlon), and silver sparkled navy blue (Metallic Grandma by Biba). M•A•C cosmetics continues to release limited edition and highly collectible lipsticks in a wide range of colors and finishes, including unusual hues of violets, blues, and greens.
Black lipstick became popular in the late 1970s and into the 1990s. In the 1950s, black lipstick had been worn by actresses starring in horror films. It became popular again due in part to punk and goth subcultures.[25]
In the mid-1980s, so-called mood lipstick were sold to adults by mainstream cosmetic companies. This type of lipstick changes colors after it is applied, based on changes in skin's pH that supposedly reflect the wearer's mood.[26] Previously these had be available as little girl's play makeup. They had another resurgence in the very early 21st century, offered by inexpensive as well as more exclusive cosmetic lines, and color changing chemicals also appeared in lip gloss, such as Smashbox O-Gloss, and blush, such as Stila Custom Color Blush.
In the 1990s, lipstick colors became semi-matte. Shades of brown were very popular. These shades were inspired by several shows such as "Friends". In the late 1990s and into the 21st century, pearl shades became very popular. Lipsticks were no longer matte or semi-matte, they were shiny and contained several interference pearls.
Lipstick contains a of wax, oils, antioxidants and emollients.[27] Wax provides the structure to the solid lipstick. Lipsticks may be made from several waxes such as beeswax, ozokerite and candelilla wax. The high melting Carnauba wax is a key ingredient in terms of strengthening the lipstick. Various oils and fats are also used in lipsticks, such as olive oil, mineral oil, cocoa butter, lanolin, and petrolatum. More than 50% of lipsticks made in the United States contain pig fat or castor oil, which gives them a shiny appearance.Lipsticks get their colors from a variety of pigments and lake dyes including, but not limited to bromo acid, D&C Red No. 21, Calcium Lake such as D&C Red 7 and D&C Red 34, and D&C Orange No. 17. Pink lipsticks are made by mixing colourless titanium dioxide and red shades. There are organic and inorganic pigments.
Matte lipsticks contain more filling agents like silica but do not have many emollients. Creme lipsticks contain more waxes than oils. Sheer and long lasting lipstick contain a lot of oil, while long lasting lipsticks also contain silicone oil, which seals the colors to the wearer's lips. Glossy lipstick contain more oil to give a shiny finish to the lips. Shimmery lipstick may contain mica, silica, fish scales, and synthetic pearl particles to give them a glittery or shimmering shine.
Lipstick is made from grinding and heating ingredients. Then heated waxes are added to the mix for texture. Oils and lanolin are added for specific formula requirements. Afterwards, the hot liquid is poured onto a metal mold. The mixture is chilled and kept cool so that the lipsticks harden. Once they have hardened, they are heated in flame for half a second to create a shiny finish and to remove imperfections.
(sumber: wikipedia, wolipop)
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